Resist Page 4
I slow down as my cock throbs, and then I slide myself out of her. I walk over to the cameras and switch them off before leaving the room, then call Marina to help Holly recover.
The session was fast tonight, but I’m not here to entertain. It arouses me to be watched, but I don’t care about satisfying anyone but myself. That includes my girls. I pay them for a service so I can avoid all the intimacy crap that goes with a normal relationship.
Pulling back the covers on my bed, I fall in, exhausted but knowing that sleep most likely will evade me, as it does every other night. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in years. Not since that night. The night I was supposed to be staying at Jeremy’s house. The night I lost my entire family.
To this day nobody really knows the truth about where I was that night, or what I did, and maybe that’s why the nightmares hound me, refusing to let me rest. Or maybe that’s just my conscience.
Witnessing the murder of your family, indirectly, at the hands of someone you thought you could trust is a hard thing for any kid to deal with. I was never the same after that night. Every time I close my eyes I see them. I’ll never forget the look in Ana’s eyes as she lay there, bleeding out. Or the guilt I felt for not going in earlier. I was too late to help Mom and Dad, but if I’d just done something—anything—maybe Ana would still be here and I wouldn’t feel so damn alone.
I should’ve told the police a long time ago, but I was a scared little boy, at home when he shouldn’t have been. Now there’s no point. The police can’t do anything. Any evidence that would link him to the crime is long gone. He made sure of that.
I reach over to my nightstand and grab a pill, taking it with a sip of water. I close my eyes and wait for morning or death.
Whichever comes first.
Chapter 4
Not even a pep talk from Jess calms my nerves as I sit in my car outside his mansion, trying to summon the courage to go inside.
“Just chill, Char. This is going to make your career. Just remember, you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, okay? Be safe, and stay in touch so I don’t have to worry whether he has you buried in his basement.”
I laugh, my shoulders relaxing. I have no idea why, but her comments do make me feel better.
“Okay. I’m going in. Love you, Jess.”
I press the intercom button, my throat constricting when the gates begin to swing open. I follow the stone driveway around the beautifully manicured gardens, parking to the side, where I can see a whole lot of other cars are parked.
The walk from the parking area to the front door is short. Too short. I need more time to prepare myself, because I have no idea what I’m doing. Wait, no, that’s incorrect. I know exactly what I’m doing: I’m putting myself in the path of a suspected murderer all for the sake of a fucking story. So help me God, this had better be worth it.
I take a deep breath and knock on the front door. I have no idea what to expect, because all I was told, in a message left on my voicemail last night, was to be here at nine a.m. sharp and to pack enough to stay on the premises for the next two weeks.
An older woman opens the door, the same one who delivered my tea yesterday, only this time she’s full of smiles. Her complete change in mood scares me, but then again, most people nowadays make me skeptical. Regardless, I smile back and take her outstretched hand. In an odd way she kind of reminds me of my grandmother.
“You must be Charlotte. I’m Marina, Mr. Murphy’s head housekeeper. Come in and I’ll show you to your quarters.”
My quarters? What am I, a nineteenth-century maid?
Clutching my small suitcase in my hand, I follow her inside. We walk through the foyer, but instead of turning right toward Jaxon’s office we walk up a flight of stairs and down a long, narrow hallway.
She opens a door on the right, halfway down the hallway, and lets me enter first. I’m taken aback by how big the area is. Even from the small living area, I can already tell it’s bigger than my apartment. The place has been tastefully furnished with what I don’t doubt are thousands of dollars’ worth of antiques.
I move through the room, taking in my surroundings. The bedroom is huge, with a king-sized canopy bed as the centerpiece. A matching reading chair and dressing table finish the look.
“Wow,” I mumble. This by far outdoes anything I was expecting. If this place were a hotel, I’d be expecting to pay thousands for the privilege of staying here.
“Mr. Murphy never does anything halfway,” Marina says with a slight raise of her eyebrows. Why do I get the feeling that she doesn’t like me? “You’ll meet the others later, but for now, Mr. Murphy would like you to relax. You’re to meet him in his office at twelve sharp.” She turns and heads for the door before pausing and looking back. “A word of warning: Mr. Murphy doesn’t tolerate tardiness.”
From the sounds of things, Mr. Murphy doesn’t tolerate much.
As soon as she leaves, I decide to take a nap. I reach for my phone and set an alarm for 11:45, because the last thing I want to do is make a bad first impression. I’m actually surprised I wasn’t asked to hand in my laptop and cell before I entered his premises—considering how seriously he takes his privacy. I actually called my mother before starting the job because I figured I’d be out of contact long enough for her to notice.
Unbuttoning my jacket, I discard it on the bed and walk around the room, examining everything. I’m hoping for a clue about who Jaxon is—anything that will help me understand him better. I laugh, because I don’t know why I’m expecting to find anything in a bedroom on the opposite end of the mansion from his room—not that I have any idea where his room actually is.
What I need is to find out exactly what is expected of me here. Other than a basic description of what my duties might entail and a roster that puts me on shift today through Friday and the same days next week, I have no idea how this is all going to play out.
I already know I’m not the only girl working for him. He said as much during my interview, and Marina just confirmed that by saying I’d meet the others later. Maybe they’re my in. If I can just get one of them to talk to me, I’ll have an idea of what to look for.
Sighing, I collapse onto the bed, the luxurious sheets caressing my skin. I yawn, realizing how tired I am. I spent most of last night researching Jaxon and going over my old college paper that I did on him. When I had finally tried to sleep, all I could picture was him and the mound of circumstantial evidence against him. My mind wouldn’t shut off.
I check my alarm again before finally giving in to the call of sleep. A pang of guilt hits me, but I quickly shrug it off. He did tell me to relax.
“You’re late.” Jaxon sits in his chair, deep in thought as he reads through the stack of papers in front of him. He doesn’t look up or seem that interested in my arrival, other than to point out my tardiness. I glance at the clock on his wall, almost laughing when I see it’s 12:01. Marina wasn’t kidding.
“I’m sorry. I…It won’t happen again.”
My face heats as he lifts his eyes to mine. They blaze right through me and I find myself wishing the floor would open up and swallow me whole. I can’t shake the feeling that I’m getting into something that is way out of my depth.
Jess’s words ring in my head. I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to. I’m in control, not him. Even as I repeat them to myself, I have trouble believing them. I can’t imagine finding the words to say no to this guy. I’m not even sure that I’d want to. He sparks a curiosity deep inside me that I didn’t even know existed.
“Sit,” he says, motioning to the chair facing his desk.
I do, my heart racing as he studies me. His every stare is full of suggestion and mystery, and it scares me that I can’t read him. He leans back in his chair, his dark eyes narrowing on me.
“Is your room to your satisfaction?” he asks, his voice low and gravelly.
I nod as his gaze burns throu
gh me. “It’s much nicer than what I was expecting,” I reply.
He chuckles. “And what exactly were you expecting, Ms. Lucas? Chains and a dungeon? Don’t worry, that will come later.”
My stomach lurches. I can’t tell from his expression whether he’s joking or serious.
“Let’s get down to business, shall we?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.
I swallow hard, wondering what he has in mind. Kinky sex in his office? He definitely seems like the rough, dominant type. I have no idea how I’m supposed to “challenge” him, and frankly he doesn’t exactly give off the vibe that he even wants that.
“Do you have what I asked you to bring?”
I nod and push the envelope across the desk to him. I yank my hand back before he notices how much I’m shaking. He opens the envelope and reads through the papers, nodding his head.
An employment form, my banking details, and, most important, a very recent clean STD report.
“May…may I see your STD report?” I ask.
He looks up at me, a small smile playing on his lips.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, I—”
“By all means, Ms. Lucas,” he interrupts. “I admire your commitment to your health. You’d be surprised at how many women simply take my word for it.” He reaches into the bottom drawer of his filing cabinet and retrieves a form, pushing it across the desk. “I am tested every month, and I expect the same from my girls. I also expect you to be on birth control, because I do not use condoms. If that is a problem…”
I shake my head, a blush creeping over my neck as his eyes bore into me.
“I have an implant,” I say numbly, pointing to my forearm where a tiny scar lies.
He nods, satisfied that I’ve met his requirements.
“Then let’s begin.” He hands me a stack of files, which I struggle to hold, even using both arms. “You’ll find my filing system is pretty easy to get the hang of. If you have any trouble, ask Marina or my receptionist, Gina, for assistance.”
I stare at the papers in my arms, my brow furrowed in confusion. Filing? He wants me to do his filing? This was not what I had in mind.
“Is something wrong?” he asks impatiently.
“I, uh, I just…I wasn’t expecting you to have me do your filing,” I mumble, my face red.
He raises his eyebrows, his dark eyes sparkling as he turns to face me. “And exactly what were you expecting? That I’d take you over my desk and fuck you senseless?”
He smirks as my face flames. I can’t believe he just said that to me—and more than that, I can’t believe how aroused the thought of him fucking me over his desk has me.
“I employ women to meet my every single need, and at the moment, all you’ve proved is that you may be capable of filing documents and fetching me coffee. Do you think I’m underestimating your abilities?”
He stands up and slowly moves around the desk until he stands behind me. I freeze as his fingers move under my skirt and up my thigh, inching closer to my core. My heart aches as his warm breath hits the back of my neck. I hate and I love how intoxicating his touch is.
“Yes,” I stammer. “I think if you wanted an office assistant you would’ve hired one.” I close my eyes, my body tingling as his fingers continue to explore me.
“You’re very observant, Charlotte,” he chuckles. “What I have planned for you is either going to rock your world or ruin you. I’m not sure you can handle it yet.”
“I can,” I assure him, surprised by how much I need his approval. “I can handle whatever you give me.”
“Then prove yourself,” he whispers. “Give me a reason to want you. Make me need you. Show me who you are, Charlotte.”
I have no response. My mouth isn’t capable of doing anything but moaning and my body trembles at his touch. How can somebody I’ve just met affect me so deeply? I gasp as his fingers brush over my entrance and his warm lips move down the curve of my neck.
“Now take those files, put them in their respective places, and bring me back a tall black coffee. Can you handle that?”
I nod and stumble out of the room. In the safety of the empty hallway, I lean back against the wall and catch my breath. Holy shit, this is intense. If I’m like this on my first day, how am I going to be when things heat up? I squirm at the thought of him inside me. God, I’m so flustered.
“Everything okay, Ms. Lucas?”
I turn and see Marina smiling at me. I blush and nod, smoothing my hair with my hand. I’m still not sure how much I can trust this woman, so I’m reluctant to share any more than I have to.
“Yes, thanks. Just getting my mind around everything,” I mumble, not meeting her eyes.
She nods kindly. “Mr. Murphy can be a little intense, but deep down he’s a good man. You’ll do well working for him.”
I stifle a laugh, because it just sounds funny hearing this woman in her sixties all but tell me I’ve done well landing a job as this guy’s hooker. How did she even come to work for him?
“How long have you been with Mr. Murphy?” I ask her, keeping my voice casual.
“I’ve been his housekeeper for ten years, but I’ve known him since he was a child,” she says, her voice wistful. “He was such a different boy back then, before…”
She lowers her head, as if she’s just realized she shouldn’t be talking to me about his past. She points to the mountain of files in my arms.
“You better get those filed before he calls for you again,” she says. “Good luck, Ms. Lucas.”
I nod and walk off, trying to shake the uneasy feeling that has settled in my stomach. I round the corner and spot the row of filing cabinets that line the far wall.
Luck was something I hoped I wouldn’t need.
I spend the next few hours sorting through files. I use the time to begin my research, keeping an eye out for anything that looks unusual. The only problem is I have no idea what I’m looking for. The guy isn’t an idiot. If he killed his girlfriend, he’s not going to leave evidence lying around for me to find.
That doesn’t stop me from snooping, though. In every file I put away, I search for anything that brings me closer to a story. By the end of the day, I haven’t found out anything that I didn’t already know about him. Sighing, I smooth out my skirt and leave the room, ready to report back to Jaxon.
What’s he going to have me do next, his ironing? I smirk at the thought.
Chapter 5
“Gina, please ask Charlotte to report to my office immediately.” I lift my finger off the intercom button and await her response.
“Certainly, sir.”
I sit back in my chair, my lips twitching into a smile. I’m enjoying playing with this one. She started off so strong, as if she knew exactly what I wanted from her and was willing to give me 110 percent. Over the past few days I’ve watched that determination slowly diminish, and a sense of confusion take over as she struggles to understand me.
The office tasks I have her doing I don’t need her to do. Hell, I’ve had her refile half my shit just because it baffles her that I’d have her do it. It’s way too much fun watching her squirm, wondering when I’m going to make my move. The reality is she knows nothing other than what I intend to show her, which isn’t much until I’m sure I can trust her.
A soft knock on the door and she enters the room. Her eyes meet mine and I smile. I love that she always makes eye contact. No matter how nervous I know she’s feeling inside, her shell is hard. She’s so much more confident than the others…for now, at least. They all lose their spark eventually.
“You called for me?” she asks. Her black skirt hugs her slender hips, and she wears a crisp white shirt with the first two buttons open, giving me a preview of her beautifully rounded breasts. Her nipples stand erect, and my cock twitches at the thought of taking her, here and now. I could fuck her up against the wall or hang her over the balcony ledge. My jaw tenses. I can just imagine how wet that pussy would be for me.
/> “Come in, take a seat.” I gesture in front of me, pretending I’m focused on my laptop. I’m not. All I can think about is the fifty different ways I want to fuck this woman. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.
She sits, lifting one leg over the other, the hem of her skirt riding up her milky thighs. God, what I wouldn’t give to be buried balls deep in her right now. I shift in my seat, trying unsuccessfully to calm my erection. I know there’s only one way to ease the pressure built inside me: release.
“I thought we’d have a chat about how you’re settling in,” I say, finally raising my gaze to meet hers. “Are you enjoying working for me?”
“I am,” she replies, lifting an eyebrow. “Though I’m looking forward to my responsibilities increasing.”
I laugh at her less-than-subtle hint. “Really? Do you think you’re ready for that, Charlotte? You have no idea what I expect from you.”
“That’s true, but likewise, you have no idea what I’m capable of.” Her words hit me like a sledgehammer. “I think you think you’re teaching me some kind of lesson, but the truth is you’re the one who’s missing out.” She lets out a laugh and I narrow my eyes. For a brief moment she’s succeeded in doing what I know she’s trying to do—make me want her even more.
I stand up and walk around my desk until I’m standing in front of her. She bites her lip as her eyes travel down my body and rest on my very erect cock. I could so easily let her win this round—because what I wouldn’t do to feel those lips close around my cock—but that’s the thing about games: Winning is much more fun.
I reach out, my fingers lacing through her hair. She gasps, her breath catching in her throat as I grip the back of her head and pull it forward, lowering my own so our lips are merely inches apart.
“All in good time, Charlotte. Trust me, the anticipation makes it so much better.”